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This is the fifth of a series of 10 articles on advertising and marketing and how by studying the “classic” advertising and marketing books can give you a huge advantage. It not only covers how advertising and marketing originated but goes into the importance of copywriting and how you can make more sales. All top marketers steal their secrets from these early marketers – guys like Claude Hopkins, Walter Dill Scott, Elmer Wheeler and others.

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advertising, marketing, copywriting, sales, books, marketing secrets, business secrets, marketing tips, advertising tips, advertising secrets, Claude Hopkins, Elmer Wheeler,Walter Dill Scott, sales letters, psychology, human psychology, scientific ad

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Copyright 2006 Peter Woodhead

This is the fifth article in a series of ten about advertising and marketing.

1912 Now, consider point #2 from my fourth article.

Knowing what makes people buy.

This is probably the least understood principle in marketing. The fact is, people have been sold to by the same techniques for centuries.


Because human emotions haven’t changed over time – and they never will.

People buy for the same reasons now as they did 100 years ago, even 10,000 years ago. And will continue to do so for the next 10,000 years.

Understand what it is that makes people buy and you will succeed. And succeed beyond your wildest dreams.

And to understand this you will need to do what all top marketers have done, and that is to study those that have mastered the technique.

Understand What Your Customers Want and You Will Sell More

Not selling enough of your product? Is your conversion rate small? The reason is most likely that you don’t understand what your customers want. Which, in turn, will be reflected in your sales copy.

You MUST study human nature

A leading advertiser has said: “Scientific advertising follows the laws of psychology. The successful advertiser, either personally or through his advertising department, must carefully study psychology. He must understand how the human mind acts. He must know what repels and what attracts. He must know what will create an interest and what will fall flat. He must be a student of human nature, and must know the laws of the human mind.

Discover The Secrets That The Top Marketers Use

You’ll never succeed in any kind of marketing whether on-line or off-line if you don’t understand what first makes people buy. Top marketers today know these secrets, but even they learned from the old masters of marketing.

In conclusion, we can say that as psychology is only human nature, if we learn what the average man is likely to think and do under certain conditions, we can be guided by that knowledge, as human nature is pretty much alike the world over.

Does that makes it clear what is required to become a successful advertiser and salesperson?

You must study psychology. Human psychology.

And there is no better book on the subject than Professor Walter Dill Scott’s “The Psychology of Advertising.”

Also we can recommend another, more modern, book by Robert Cialdini. The book is called “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” and is available from most bookstores or Amazon.

And yet another great resource is Triggers” by Joe Sugarman.