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Here is something really cool I thought you all might be interested in listen to this folks they’re claiming this is the future for all marketing including adsense. Read my little blurb about possibly the wave of the future below.

Turn leads into sales with free email marketing tools (en)

A permission based marketing forum called Squidoo has been started by Seth Godin he’s an early pioneer of “Viral Marketing”.

Nearly ten years ago, Seth founded Yoyodyne, which originated the idea of permission marketing online. After Yahoo acq…

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work at home business, online marketing, Internet marketing, home business

FREE PLR article body:
Here is something really cool I thought you all might be interested in listen to this folks they’re claiming this is the future for all marketing including adsense. Read my little blurb about possibly the wave of the future below.

A permission based marketing forum called Squidoo has been started by Seth Godin he’s an early pioneer of “Viral Marketing”.

Nearly ten years ago, Seth founded Yoyodyne, which originated the idea of permission marketing online. After Yahoo acquired Yoyodyne, he served as VP of Direct Marketing for Yahoo for about a year.

In 2000, Godin focused full-time on his career as an acclaimed public speaker, an author and a blogger. Several of Seth’s books have been bestsellers somewhere around the world, and his blog has been picked as the best business blog by several leading publications. Seth’s head is one of the most recognizable author icons in business.

Right now Squidoo is in Beta, eventually it will be a co-op which will pay Squidoo “writers” called Lensmasters, or let them build a Squidoo page for a charity. It is still in Beta but even before coming out of Beta it is now
paying Lensmasters.

Rumor has it a major media campaign about to be launched concerning Squidoo by a PR firm and expert who helped launch MillionDollarHome for Alex Tew, which led to 3-million unique visitors in a month.

With all that being said check it out it may well be worth your time to investigate this new opportunity check out my first lens and let me know what you think here it is:

If your interested in your own lensmaster page. Here is a link you can go to and start your own Squidoo page Hey this is a way to have fun and make some extra cash too! The cool thing is this it’s free and I think it probably always will be free knowing Seth Godin.

If you like this article and check out my Squidoo Lens why not give me a vote it would be very much appreciated.