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Our personalisation methods are proven to increase response rates by up to 33%

Turn leads into sales with free email marketing tools (en)

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If you haven’t already gathered, there is a small event taking place this month that has something to do with football mmmm…

Reactive Marketing

Need to react quickly to an event….Like England obviously winning the world cup!
No problem, by using our digital printing technology, we have the ability to enable you to get the most from the feel good factor and generate even greater results from your mailings.

Our personalisation methods are proven to increase response rates by up to 33%*.Couple this, with a significant event or a promotion and these rates can be even higher. Such campaigns may include;

A sporting event

A birthday

A purchase

The birth of a child

Product recall

By sending the right message at the right time you are able to create additional impact and reposonses.

If you would like to know more about how we can help, please contact contact Jon Tolley , or alternatively call Prime Litho on 0115 9244344.

* Research commissioned by one of the UK’s leading direct mail houses in November 2004 discovered that senior marketing professionals expect a personalised campaign to deliver an average 33% increase in response rates, compared to a non-personalised campaign. also, 32% of direct mail uses variable colour printing, and this is expected to reach 48% by 2007.