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Asking for a second date can be just as nerve racking as asking for a first date. The fear of rejection when you ask for a first date still exists to a certain degree when you are asking for a second date. Bust out these moves next time you’re hanging with a dude you really want to see again. The phone will definitely ring.

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Does he look like your dream guy? If there is a blush on your face and you are nodding your head in a positive direction, then girl, you are definitely desiring to fix dates. Meeting once would leave you craving for a second date.

Just follow these moves to win over your man’s heart at the very first date, which would definitely drive him to ask you for a second date.


Give him encouragement

Say something like “I had a great time tonight” before you part ways. A guy is far more likely to ask you out again if you leave him with some clear indication that you’re interested.

Know when to bite your tongue

We live in a confess-all culture where telling everyone everything has become okay. But on first dates, guys are super-sensitive to a few topics that really turn them off. Some examples: anything to do with personal hygiene, why your last relationship failed, your thoughts on commitment, and current body hang-ups.

Hold off on hitting the sack

Sure he’s putting the moves on you, but most guys would rather have you make them wait beyond your first meeting. Fact is, men love a challenge, so give him something to chase.

Make him work around you

Of course you want to see him again as soon as you can, but don’t be available for marathon text messaging sessions every time. It sends the message that you have a life beyond this potential romance… which men love.

So Good luck ladies! Hope you get a more sizzling date next time.