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Do you know someone that is about to graduate from high school, college, or another important milestone? If so, it is important that you, the graduate’s friends and family, bless the graduate with the perfect graduation gift.

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In selecting a good graduation gift the first and most obvious thing to consider is the age and stage of life of the graduate who will receive your gift. An eighteen year old finishing high school will probably appreciate a different gift than a thirt…

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Do you know someone that is about to graduate from high school, college, or another important milestone? If so, it is important that you, the graduate’s friends and family, bless the graduate with the perfect graduation gift.

In selecting a good graduation gift the first and most obvious thing to consider is the age and stage of life of the graduate who will receive your gift. An eighteen year old finishing high school will probably appreciate a different gift than a thirty year old graduating from medical school. Keep this in mind before you head out to purchase a graduation gift.

The age of the graduate is not the only important thing to consider. Keep in mind the goals of the graduate. If the graduate is finishing high school, are they heading to college or have they chosen to begin working full-time? Perhaps they are taking a year to travel the world before they head off to college. Consider these goals as you attempt to buy the perfect graduation gift. Does the graduate have his or her own living space that will need to be filled with furniture or appliances?

Consider too the needs and tastes of the graduate. If the person you are purchasing a graduation gift for does not like anything in black or gray, then perhaps you should stay away from gifts in those colors. Does your graduate love sports? Consider getting them a gift that will fuel their love for sports. If your graduate is about to travel the world you can get them a suitable gift like new luggage or a camera to take photographs.

In general, people will enjoy a unique and personal gift that fits them more than they will enjoy a general gift that may not fit their needs at all. So in your brainstorming and your shopping for a graduation gift try to be as personal to the graduate as possible. Honor their important accomplishment with a graduation gift that they will enjoy and cherish for years. Stay away from gifts that are temporary in nature like gift certificates or money and instead give gifts that will last.

Many of us remember the special time that graduation was. We remember the joy of being surrounded by family and friends on our special day and we remember being celebrated by the ones we love. Perhaps you even remember some of the best or worst gifts you were given. If so, let the gifts you were given serve as reminders as you attempt to purchase the right graduation gifts for others.

If money is an issue for you, consider making a unique gift for your graduate. A memorable and loved gift does not have to be an expensive one, it only has to be one that was heartfelt and intentional. So whatever your budget, the most important thing is to keep the graduate in mind. Once you have made or purchased the perfect graduation gift, wrap it and gift it to your graduate with love.