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“There is something to be said for reader exhaustion.” – Dana Blankenhorn

Turn leads into sales with free email marketing tools (en)

Responsible email marketing remains a positive in developing your online business. The primary difficulty for legitimate business has everything to do with negative spam practices. This scourge has caused many email users to be wary of incoming emails. Unless they are very familiar with you even opt-in customers may view your email with either a bit of hostility of apathy. In one case they resent you…

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email marketing,internet marketing,online marketing,site promotion

FREE PLR article body:
“There is something to be said for reader exhaustion.” – Dana Blankenhorn

Responsible email marketing remains a positive in developing your online business. The primary difficulty for legitimate business has everything to do with negative spam practices. This scourge has caused many email users to be wary of incoming emails. Unless they are very familiar with you even opt-in customers may view your email with either a bit of hostility of apathy. In one case they resent you and in the other they just don’t seem to care.

I can receive hundreds of emails a day and there can be a sense of burnout on even the most useful of emails. Going into an email marketing campaign you need to understand not everyone will appreciate your message (even if they subscribed to your email service). Some will simply leave it unopened for a while or they may delete it immediately.

You will never get 100% enthusiasm for your email marketing campaign. The point is there will be a percentage of your clients that will review the emails you send and there will likely be a response from many of those who actually took the time to review the materials.

It really is not all that different from regular direct mail campaigns. Some of these printed flyers are tossed in the round file without a second look, some become scratch paper and others are looked at with either hostility or apathy.

Online consumers are bombarded with messages every day. Some information they will seek out intentionally and some information comes through Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising or other page enhancing marketing campaigns. Most often these links are clicked simply out of curiosity in response to something they were already searching for.

“How about if, instead of beating me over the head with email, you make it an unexpected, even anticipated, pleasure? Now that would be revolutionary.” – Dana Blankenhorn

If you are going to use an email marketing campaign or keep in contact with clients via email perhaps taking a unique approach to content may allow your email to be one the client looks forward to.

Working to maximize content acceptance is a primary objective in email marketing. Reducing the overall volume of emails while increasing the overall importance of the information provided may do more than you may have imagined in instilling trust in your client base.

If you can respect your clients enough to make sure your content is relevant, interesting and perhaps even entertaining you may find your email is one they are happy to see in their inbox.