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Free PLR article summary:
I quickly learned that writing articles and submitting them to online publications was a great way to attract new readers and gain experience as a freelance writer.

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Post tags:
Article Directory, Ezines, Free Content, Articles

FREE PLR article body:
I quickly learned that writing articles and submitting them to online publications was a great way to attract new readers and gain experience as a freelance writer.

I have been fortunate to have several of my articles published on high trafficked websites and have made some wonderful new friends as a result of submitting my articles to these free ezines.

Here’s the resource box I include at the end of my articles:

Rose DesRochers is a published poet and freelance writer. Rose has been writing poetry for more than 20 years. She is also the founder of, a supportive online writing community for men and women over 18. She is also the Assistant Administrator of

What you are giving is your permission for the publisher to publish your article in exchange for a byline at the end of the article. The byline is about four lines of text about yourself, including a link to your website.

Whenever I write an article, I first publish it on my own website and then submit it to ezines. Ezines will not take the time to edit your article, so make sure that you proofread it before submitting it. You may want to have someone else go over your article for errors before submission.

Here are some ezines where you can publish your articles.

You may also wish to search through for publications that will be interested in the genre of articles that you write.

Websites are constantly looking for free content to re-publish. Many webmasters search article directories such as in search of content to publish on their websites. The number of ezines online is growing everyday. I’m constantly receiving invitations to submit articles to new ezines.

Writing and submitting free articles is a great way to gain exposure and increase your income when people want to hire you to write content for their websites.

It won’t be long and you will be recognized as an expert in your field.