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My wife cannot have children without surgery and we struggle to have a child, I’m permantely disabled at work. We came up with a idea to build a advertising website to help bring customers to webmaster sites as they help us fullfill our dream of having a child.

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advertise,pixels,pixel advertising,traffic,visitors,customers,struggle,child,children charities

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My name is Shawn and my wifes name is Erin and we were married March 15th, 1997. This is our story of a struggle to have a child and what we are doing to overcome the struggle to make our dream come true.

While our marrige has been wonderful and God has given us each other, there has always been something missing. This something is a child of our own to love and to care for. Even prior to our being married my wife and I had discussed and dreamed of having a child of our own. Early on we even bought baby name books and had picked out what we liked best after going through the books several times reading every name out loud so we could see how it would sound with our last name. We tried to have a child for the first year we were married. We then seeked medical help. It turns out that my wife can’t get pregnant naturally. The only way she could get pregnant was by the aid of invetro surgery. This procedure cost $20,000 per try with no gurantee of success. My wife was in college and I was are sole support. We had a mortgage, two car loans and other bills to pay. There was no way I could earn enough money for us to have a child at that time and we thought it would be best if we waited until my wife graduated college before starting to save for the invetro surgey procedure.

Six months prior to my wife graduating college I was injured at work. I drove a 18 wheeler tank truck at gas drilling rigs in North Texas. I hauled drilling mud, water and other chemicals to and from the rigs. On the day I was injured it had been raining all day and the night prior to that dreadful day. The water was standing knee deep for a good 300 yards all away around the rigs with rain and lightning coming down around me. I called my dspatcher and told him of the conditions at the rigs that I was working on that day. The dispatcher (and his infinite wisdom) told me to keep working. Like the good little worker I was, I stayed and did my job. I had loaded my truck and was walking (wading) back to the cab of the truck when I stepped into a hole around two feet deep that I couldn’t see do to the deep, brown water. My right ankle and foot collapsed to one side and my body fell in the opposite direction tearing the main nerve (almost in two) on the inside of my right ankle. I endured four surgeries to try and correct the problem with no success.

It has been five long years since I was injured on the job and after my last foot surgey I have formed what is referred to as CRPS type II (complex regional pain syndrome). It is a very painful disorder that requires me to have a morphine pain pump implant and take oral nerve and pain medications to help control my painful condition so that I can do simple day to day tasks that most people take for granted. However, I’m getting around better than I could prior to having my morphine implant implanted.

Erin, my wife who I love with all of my heart and soul finally graduated college as valedictorian. She is so smart. She means the world to me and I very much want for her to have a child because I know she wants one more than anything, as do I.

We have a home in North Texas but we have chosen to purchase a fifth wheel trailer so that Erin can work as a traveling nurse. Working as a traveling nurse pays twice as much as it does working at a local hospital back home.

It has been almost two years since we hit the road so Erin could work and we still don’t have our fifth wheel paid for so we haven’t been able to save much for our baby fund yet. This is also partially due to our home that we have had for sale for the past year that hasn’t sold. We even lowered the price to what we owe and threw in the riding lawn mower but still haven’t had any luck in selling it. This is costing us around $1,100 per month.

Since my injury we have had to file bankruptcy, sell off most that I had worked so hard for over the years.

Erin and I would like to have a child some day before it’s too late. Again, the only way we can have a child is invetro surgury. As many people know it doesn’t always work the first time around and one try can cost around $20,000.00 with the meds. Erin and I just don’t have the income to achieve this in enough time for us to have a child.

Soon after the foot surguries I realized that I wasn’t ever going to be able to work again so I started teaching myself how to create websites and market them in order to make a living. Thus far I haven’t gotten rich doing it but I have brought in some extra money over the years. During this time I have managed to learn a lot about creating websites and marketing them so I put that information to good use and opened I figured everyone needs to market their website and products in order to bring customers to their sites. Since I had just about every book on the subject and I had experience in marketing my other websites that I could help webmasters bring potential customers to their site and in return they would help Erin and I have the child we have always wanted.

Money2Surf advertising is a pixel advertising website that I opened to help see our dreams of having a child come true and with your help Erin and I can finally have the child that we have always longed for and website owners can finally get a steady stream of potential customers to their sites. Some of the proceeds of Money2Surf advertising will be used for us to have a child and to setup a small savings account for our childs education. Any remaining money will go towards a childrens charity such as “Feed The Children” and “St.Judes Childrens Hospital”.

If you will notice we will only be keeping enough money for one try at invetro surgey. This is all that we are asking for, one chance to have a child.

Time is of the essence! We need to sell pixels as soon as possible. We are hoping to have all of the pixels sold by December 2007 so if you have a website and our struggling with sales then our site can help you! We are also asking you to help us spread the word about our pixel page.

When I came up with this idea it was only a few days after I heard about the college student (Alex Tew) that created this script to help pay his way through college. I scraped up just enough money to purchase this script in hopes to fufill Erin and I’s dream of having a child and help the less fortunate children get what they need.

Using our pixel site you can advertise your website or your affiliate website. Here are just some examples of what you can advertise on our pixel site: cell phones, ring tones, earn money online opportunities, autosurf websites, paid to read websites, gadgets, electronics, stereos, computers, laptops, software, clothes, apperal, baby products, sports equipment, exercise equipment and just about anything else you can imagine. The only things we don’t allow to be advertised is porn, hate websites or anything not suitable for family viewing. Please check our FAQ’s page. If you have your own website and your trying to sell products on them then this site can help you with those sales.

By you purchasing pixels at Money2Surf advertising your traffic will take off for whatever website you advertise and your site will be advertised for at least the next ten years! This site is already located in the search engines. Please know that your proceeds will be going to a very good cause. You will be elping Erin and I have a child of our own and help the less fortunate children in the world.

For more information about what pixel advertising can do for your site please visit our site (the link is in the resources box of this article).

Thank you all and God Bless!