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A profile is an online representation of yourself so why not represent the best parts of you?

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relationship, romantic, single, white female

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A profile is an online representation of yourself so why not represent the best parts of you? There are four areas of a profile that you should keep in mind: honesty, creativity, research, writing. By mastering these areas, you will be able to write an excellent and self-elevating profile that can capture anyone’s attention.

Part One: Honesty

Always be honest with the readers of your profile; remember that you and the others on the site are searching for that special someone–how can a relationship grow when there is deceit from the beginning?
Speak candidly about who you are and what you are looking for. Then, at least you will know that, when someone messages you, they are genuinely interested. Putting up a pretense will only summon people who are interested in your lies; this will not build a solid relationship.
Being honest doesn’t mean to be sell yourself short; you don’t have to dwell on your faults and misgivings. Showcase your good qualities (just don’t exaggerate).

Part Two: Creativity

Nothing can turn a potential relationship sour more than a dull profile. There are thousands upon thousands of people looking for the exact same thing you are: a genuine connection. You must be able to catch their attention.
Try to avoid using phrases like Looking for Mr. Perfect? or In Search Of That Special Lady? or descriptions like hard-working?, romantic? and attractive?. These are all cliche and overdone. Spice your profile up with original ideas!
Show off your strengths. Give your readers anecdotes or narratives that display you in a good light.
Get yourself a thesaurus. As silly as this may sound, a thesaurus can help you avoid using words that have been used too many times before.
Do not use letters to describe yourself; for example, SWF (single white female) can mean a variety of things to a variety of people. Don’t limit yourself to this.

Part Three: Research

You know what kind of relationship you want; whether it be a friend, a casual date, or something as deep as a marital partner, you have a clear picture in your mind of how far you are willing to go. Seek out people with that same goal.

Write a profile that will appeal to the kind of person you’re after; the only way they can find you is if you help them. Check out other profiles for ideas.

If you receive interest with your profile but still can’t seem to find that right person, then go do some online window-shopping. Scan through profiles, find some that catch your attention, and start messaging. They don’t all have to come to you.

Part Four: Writing

So, you’ve gathered your information and you have a clear idea of what you want out of this site; however, your writing seems a little…lifeless. Be careful of this! By paying attention to the three steps before you, you should be able to write a profile that is distinctly you.

This is an example of what not to do: I’m a SBM looking for a SF. Good looking, funny. Message me. Eyes are going to glaze over; you cannot limit yourself like this. It will only hurt you.

Spice it up: I am a 22-year-old female, blessed with long, blonde hair and big, brown eyes. I’m short, only 5’4, but what I lack in size, I make up for in spirit. I am looking for someone that can keep up with me; come and get me, boys. She gives a description and a challenge, all within a few sentences ”you don’t have to be long-winded to get the point across.

A good profile can bring you all of the attention you want and lead you to a successful relationship; follow these steps to what you want.