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Foreclosure auctions are a good way to buy a house at below market value. You will see some things you should know before buying a house it a foreclosure auction.

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buy a house, at below market value, foreclosure

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Buying a house below market value is a good way to get more profits as a real estate investor. One way you can find property at below market value is a foreclosure auction. Real estate goes into foreclosure when an owner of that real estate does not pay their mortgage on time. When real estate payments are not up to date it is a distress property. Nothing physically can be wrong with the house and it can be classified as a distress property. If the payments are not up to date that is enough to make a house a distress property. When a house is in distress status the owner is given a certain amount of time to bring the payments up to date. If the property owner does not bring the house up to date the bank that holds the mortgage can foreclose on the property.

When the bank takes control of a house that is when a distress property is classified as a foreclosed property. When the bank forecloses on a house, the bank will try to sell the house in a foreclosure auction. In a foreclosure auction the person with the highest bid will take control of the house from the bank. If the price is too low the bank will not sell the house. Some foreclosure auctions start at the price the bank is willing to sell the house for. Finding these auctions can take some work. Some places you can find foreclosure auctions are the newspaper and online. One other thing you can do is buy foreclose property lists for your area online. It is important to do research on the properties to see witch ones you will be interested in. It is important to research the property so you won’t over bid. One way of doing this is going and physically taking a look at the properties you think you will be interested in and do an assessment of there value.

Most likely you will not get to see the inside of the house, but you can make an assessment of the house from the outside. You should stay off the physical property if you can. You will not want to get charge for trespassing. It is recommended that you take pictures and write notes about the property; this is a good way to help you to make the decision of what properties you will want. It can also help you to make an assessment on the highest you will pay. When it is time for the foreclosure auction stick to your assessments and do not over bid. You may not get your first choice but it is better to get your second or last choice at below market value than to over pay for your first choice. Buying foreclosure properties does take some work, but the money you will save is worth it.