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Blogs are a gift from the Internet gods for those of us who would like to have an online presence, but don’t know the first thing about setting up websites in the traditional manner, and have neither the time to learn nor the finances to pay someone else to do it for us.

There are two ways in which we enterprising bloggers can find ourselves making money blogging.

1.) Making Money Blogging By Giving Your Blog A Job To Do

Blogs exist because some people love to expres…

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Blogs are a gift from the Internet gods for those of us who would like to have an online presence, but don’t know the first thing about setting up websites in the traditional manner, and have neither the time to learn nor the finances to pay someone else to do it for us.

There are two ways in which we enterprising bloggers can find ourselves making money blogging.

1.) Making Money Blogging By Giving Your Blog A Job To Do

Blogs exist because some people love to express themselves and be heard, and because other people love to learn and just maybe to snoop on somebody else’s thoughts.

By starting a blog, or series of blogs, you can put your voice out there, expressing you opinions, or sharing the knowledge you have accumulated over a lifetime. If you are interested in making money blogging, promoting a product in which you believe by discussing related topics, and then adding you affiliate links to the companies which sell that product.

Making money blogging by giving you blog a job to do can also mean applying to Google AdSense so that you can have AdWords related to your blog topics posted in your blog, where your readers may be inclined to click on them and earn you some money in doing so.

Or it can mean using your blog to sell informational products. If your blog is about growing flowers, why not write your own ebook about your secrets to having a beautiful blooming garden and offer it to your readers for a small price? You can put a link to the download site in your blog.

If your blog is about growing flowers and there are some Internet sites whose flower growing products you highly recommend, why not see about becoming an affiliate for those sites and posting your affiliate links in your blog? Just one more way to make money blogging by giving your blog a job to so.

2.) Making Money Blogging By Building Interest In Your Offline Business

The second way in which some people make money blogging is by turning their blogs into advertising venues for offline businesses they have. Many, many businesses have related websites, and use their websites to sell the same products they do in their brick-and-mortar stores.

While you wouldn’t actually make money blogging by turning your blog into a second storefront offering its own inventory and ordering system, you certainly can use your blog to talk about whatever your offline business does or sells, getting your readers interested in it, and you can build even more interest by inviting your offline customers to visit your blog by leaving flyers with your blog’s url at your business registers.

If enough interest is generated in your offline business from you blog, you might even consider establishing an online store, and you can link it to it in your blog so that your readers will get the same great service that your offline customers do!