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What is the deal with Network Marketing anyway? Some people have heard about it, but they don’t really know what it is. Some people know what it is, but think it’s a big scam. Some people swear by Network Marketing as being the key to financial and personal success, and that our society is rapidly evolving towards Network Marketing as the preferred form of product distribution. Here is the real story!

Network marketing is something that you already do every day. Yes, YOU!

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network marketing, building a business, tahitian noni international, tahitian noni juice

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What is the deal with Network Marketing anyway? Some people have heard about it, but they don’t really know what it is. Some people know what it is, but think it’s a big scam. Some people swear by Network Marketing as being the key to financial and personal success, and that our society is rapidly evolving towards Network Marketing as the preferred form of product distribution. Here is the real story!

Network marketing is something that you already do every day. Yes, YOU!

Have you ever seen a movie, and then told your friends or family members that it was great, and they should go see it? That’s network marketing.

Have you ever eaten at a great restaurant, and then recommended that restaurant to other people? That’s network marketing.

Have you ever gotten a great deal on a car, and then told other people to buy their car at that dealer? That’s network marketing.

Congratulations – You’ve just passed Network Marketing 101! You are now prepared to go out into the world and make some money!
Wait a minute! What does recommending movies, restaurants, and car dealers have to do with Network Marketing?

It has everything to do with it – with one minor addition: When you get involved with a network marketing company, you get PAID to tell people how great something is!

Wow – pretty simple, right? Well, that’s the truth of the matter. It really is just that simple, but people are so confused by the onslaught of money-hungry network marketers that they want to just run into a corner and hide until the coast is clear!

Unfortunately, greedy and less than ethical network marketers and network marketing companies have given a great concept a very bad name, and now it is up to the few truly ethical companies with good products to convince the general populace that network marketing is OK. All you’re doing is recommending a product to people that you think can benefit from it. What’s wrong with that? Nothing.

How does it work?

First, you choose an ethical company with a solid track record, a good line of products, and a future so bright that they have to wear shades! There are very few of these truly successful companies, even though there are probably thousands of network marketing companies out there. Tahitian Noni International, Quixtar, and Shaklee are some of the bigger names in the business, and each of them has a successful history, and a business model that will last many years into the future.

Next, you get signed up with a company whose products YOU BELIEVE IN. Don’t get signed up with a company because you have dollar signs in your eyes. If all you want to do is make money, you will have a hard time in network marketing. However, if you want to make money WHILE helping people find products or services that are going to benefit them, then your passion for your chosen company will shine through, allowing you an easier path to success.

Next, you tell other people about the product or service, and if they are interested, you get them signed up to purchase that product or service through you or using your company-sponsored website. Each time they make a purchase, you get paid in some way, shape, or form. Good companies will offer any/all of the following ways to get paid:

• Direct profit resulting from retail vs. wholesale pricing
• Money paid weekly or monthly based on the actual volume of products or services that you sell
• Weekly or monthly bonuses based on attaining certain sales goals
• Weekly, monthly, or annual bonuses based on your leadership level with the company (the more you succeed, the higher your level of leadership)
• Residual income from sales made by people that you bring into the organization, people that your recruits bring into the organization, etc.
• Quarterly or annual vacations, trips, retreats, conferences, etc. that are paid for in part or in full by the company

Believe it or not, that’s all there is to it! You find a product and a company that you believe in, you get signed up, and you tell people about the product or services that are offered by your chosen company. There are countless training opportunities that any good company will offer to you, and you should take advantage of those opportunities. Don’t reinvent the wheel – use the systems that have already proven successful for the company that you work for.

What should I do if I am approached by a Network Marketer?

The things that you should do if approached by a network marketer are the same things that anyone that YOU approach may be thinking, so keep that in mind. They include:

• Ask yourself if you want/need the product. If not, then just say so. An ethical network marketer will not push you.
• If you are interested, then ask for details about the product or service, but more importantly, ask for details about the company.
• If you think you may be interested in the products or the opportunity presented by the company, ask where you can learn more. Again, an ethical network marketer will be happy to list numerous sources of information, and they will likely offer to give you printed information on the spot, and/or add you to their mailing list to keep you up to date.

Always remember that ethical network marketing is not about pushing low-quality products onto hapless citizens who don’t know any better. It is about sharing a product or an opportunity with people who can benefit from it. Whether those people are your friends, family, and co-workers, or people that you meet out in the world, you should feel confident in the use of the products, and in the opportunity that is presented by your chosen company.

If you are ashamed to offer the product or service to someone, then they should be ashamed to use it! Stick with a reputable network marketing company and you will be doing a great service to people, and you can make a solid income at the same time. That’s what we call a win/win situation, folks!

For a good illustration of how Network Marketing can help you get more out of life, visit