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The ins and outs of ezine advertising

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ezine, ezine marketing

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One of the common mistakes many new web site owners make when they start their online business is to think that scores of people are going to stream to their site. They spend the money for that professional look, add all the relevant information and now they sit back and wait for the visitors. The shock is quite traumatic when they find out that this is not the case. The logical question that’s asked when the customers don’t show is,” how do I get customers/visitors”.

Well the answer to this is, start a marketing campaign. There are several ways to go about this.

One of the options that creates quite a lot of attention are ezines. The problem the web site owner now face is how to find information on how, where and how much. Of course an important aspect of this ezine marketing technique is finding the highest targeted ezines or web sites to post your articles to. A pitfall to lookout for are the fly by night ones. They will take your money but you will wait in vain for the traffic.

There is of course always a tradeoff between money spent and money made from your investment, it is therefore always important to make sure you that you find an ezine that gives you a good return on your investment (ROI). So one more time, be careful because a vast majority of ezines are a waste of time and money.

The age old saying applies to ezine marketing as well “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is”. Here are a few points to keep in mind.

1. You get what you pay for.
2. You must offer something that relates to the niche market.
3. Target your advertising to your audience.
4. The best things are not always free.

Where you must advertise or which newsletter is right for you depend on your product or service. The good thing about ezines is, these days you get newsletters on about anything.

So as can be seen, do your homework before embarking on an ezine campaign and you will reap the rewards.

PS: I left the best secret for last, build your own list with subscribers. With this you will be assured your ezine is targeted to an audience who want to hear what you have to say, they want to hear about your product or service and it will cost you next to nothing to advertise to them.