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Last year a local gentleman opened a Mexican restaurant in our area. The unique aspect of the restaurant is that not only is the Mexican food authentic, but the employees are Hispanic as well. When you walk through the doors, you feel as though you’ve stepped into another culture.

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Last year a local gentleman opened a Mexican restaurant in our area. The unique aspect of the restaurant is that not only is the Mexican food authentic, but the employees are Hispanic as well. When you walk through the doors, you feel as though you’ve stepped into another culture.

Six months later, this same gentleman opened up another restaurant on the other side of town. What was the secret to his immediate and amazing success? …he found a natural market. No one can simulate a natural market. Outsiders go to get the cultural flavor as well as the good food, insiders go to enjoy the “homey” experience.

What Defines a Natural Market?
The most obvious natural markets are cultural, but include a host of other characteristics that you may be familiar with as well. What about homeschooling parents? Who could communicate more clearly, or provide more relevant products than another homeschool parent?

A natural market is simply the part of a market that you have something in common with. It will automatically make you connect with your customers on a personal level, making your marketing strategies more effective.

Why Explore Natural Markets?
You can make immediate and lasting connections with your potential natural market. Let’s face it, we’re more comfortable and more confident doing business with someone we have a lot in common with. It can’t be helped… it’s just in our nature. Take advantage of natural markets on the Web where a more personal business is rare and will hold strong appeal to consumers.

How Do You Get In On The Action?
First think about your interests, hobbies, and life experiences. List your occupations, hobbies, club memberships, nationality, language, and background. Wow, there’s a lot of potential for natural markets at your fingertips.

Once you’ve got a nice list, start critiqueing it for the potential market that will make the most impact. The rule of thumb for deciding on the depth of impact is: the more unique the characteristic… the more impact it will have.

Natural markets add a brand new layer to your existing business, or you can create a new niche business from the natural market idea. Whichever you decide…pull out the stops… blitz the market with advertisments… and get ready to add up the profits!