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Maybe you are a simple shy person who did not
already have a date because you do not know how
to approach woman. This does not necessary mean
that you are too ugly and you will spend all your
life alone. You just have to make some changes.

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dating, online dating, flirt, seduction, relationships, romance, love, marriage, foreign brides, single parents

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Maybe you are a simple shy person who did not
already have a date because you do not know how
to approach woman. This does not necessary mean
that you are too ugly and you will spend all your
life alone. You just have to make some changes.

Do you want to increase your success in
attracting women? Here are some important tips
that you should know.


– first and the most important don’t sweat and
don’t smell; it is very important to be clean all
the time because if you smell nobody will ever
approach you; so you’ve better use deodorants and

– a hairless body shows a lot more definition

– if a man chest is really hairy, it can be hot,
but also itchy and irritating

– the best shaving strategy is to sit in a hot
bath with a moisturizing oil, and then shave
against the grain with a combination of hair
conditioner and shaving cream

– also nose and ear hair isn’t too sexy, so you
could use a pair of safety scissors with dulled

– be fit; do some sport and this will make you
look better, will increase your self-esteem


– if your skin looks tired, grey and out of
condition, you should start to drink minimum two
liters of water a day, and also try a soap – free
cleansing wash

– an exfoliating scrub used once a week gets
sluggish circulation on the move

– make sure you have a shaved face – women love

– shaving foam dry the skin so you better use oil,
gel or cream for the best results; use a good
sharp razor

– apply moisturizer – it can really improve the
look of your skin, use after shaving and your
skin will feel smoother

– also it’s important to have a manicure to deal
with thick cuticles or hang nails


– hair care it is very important – cleansing,
conditioning, nourishing

– wash your hair frequently

– you may use an anti-dandruff shampoo if it’s

– the right hair style can give you self
confidence and satisfaction

– a nice clean cut can make a man look mature and
sophisticated, while the others it may do just
the opposite

– so take a walk to a hair designer to make you
the hair style that is the best for you and you
will see a big positive change

– use styling, gel or wax if it’s necessary


– dress nicely, wear good clothes according to
the event that takes place

– for example, buy a suit; man fashion suit is a
piece of wardrobe that can should found in every
man’s cupboard; it’s an elegantly dress which you
may wear from business meetings to cocktails and
wedding parties

– make sure that the clothes you wear fit you

– watch out because a lot of women pay attention
to shoes


– belts – these are available in many styles and
colors, and are some of the most fashionable

– perfume – when it comes to creating long
lasting impression on women, the first thing men
should care is the perfume they choose

– eye care – men can choose from a big list, like
fashionable man sunglasses, eyeglass frames and
even contact lens


– women are smile-addicts and don’t like the men
which are boring and don’t have with whom to laugh

– so smile it is very important but to have
success with your smile in front of a woman you
have to have beautiful, healthy and clean teeth
for a perfect smile

Men always want to know what to do to look their
best, but do not know how to do this. I hope that
these tips will help you to approach easily to
woman and get the one you like.