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You need to take advantage of targeted advertising frequently to help make your online business successful. Targeted advertising means that you are advertising primarily to those who may actually purchase your product or service. You only reach those that may already be interested in

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You need to take advantage of targeted advertising frequently to help make your online business successful. Targeted advertising means that you are advertising primarily to those who may actually purchase your product or service. You only reach those that may already be interested in what you have to offer instead of spending your advertising budgets on trying to reach everyone. One way to achieve targeted advertising is to use free reprint articles or custom written articles that will ultimately reach your targeted audience.

A lot of times when a new tv show comes out on tv there is a target market that the tv program is shooting for so they also search for advertisers who would fit with that audience. Also along with the target audience often times the show will be tested with the target audience and other audiences long before its even allowed to be shown on tv to make sure that they know what market to advertise to or that the show would even be successful. Also often times when show has been on for a little while they will do studies to see who watches the show and advertising and then will adjust the show and marketing accordingly.

Why have advertisers been doing this for years? Because it is shown to be effective and cost efficient. Billboards have long shown to be very ineffective and expensive. A billboard advertises to everyone that drives by it instead of focusing on a target audience.
It would be silly to advertise products targeted towards women during cartoons, it would also not make sense to advertise children’s toys during the overnight hours when most of the children are sleeping. Advertisers want to advertise to those who may actually have an interest in their product or service.

How all this can be applied to your online business? You need to start hitting your targeted audience with your advertising. One easy, effective, and inexpensive method of doing this is through free reprint articles. Free reprint articles are articles that you write and then have distributed in ezines and newsletters. You write the article offering information that the reader will find useful or entertaining, and the hope is that the reader will then use the authors resource box at the bottom of the article to visit your website. A distribution service can help you get one of these free reprint articles placed into dozens of ezines and newsletters if the article is well written. You will include a small text box at the bottom that offers information about yourself and a link back to your website.

These free reprint articles will go out to all of these ezines and newsletters and the publisher of each of those will decide whether or not to use your article. This is where the targeted marketing comes into play. A publisher will determine if the article is relevant to his or her subscribers. If the publisher decides that it is relevant, the publisher will include it in their next publication. This is a very easy way to reach your targeted audience. It is also relatively cheap considering that all you have to pay for is the distribution service if you write the article yourself.

Some people do not feel comfortable with their own writing or simply do not have the time or energy to do the writing. If you are one of these people there are always ghostwriters for hire who will do the work for you. You can then publish this work as your own, with your information in the resource box and the link back to your website. Ghostwriters know that you will be placing your name or a pen name in the article as the author, and they agree to surrender to their client’s any and all copyrights to the article.

If you want to reach your targeted audience in an easy, inexpensive, and effective manner then consider the use of the free reprint articles to reach your potential customers. Whether you write the articles yourself or pay a ghostwriter it will be a worthwhile investment. Even paying a ghostwriter and the distribution service, you will still be getting more bang for your buck than if you were to simply place an ad that is targeted to everyone. Remember, these ezines and newsletters that carry your articles will be going to people who are already interested in the topic that you deal with. Get started today and watch the new customers roll in.