Amount of words in this article: 423 Free PLR article summary: If you have the important responsibility of determining what schooling situation is best for your children, then please take your time and make an informed decision based on as much research as you can...

Successful Home Schooling

Amount of words in this article: 734 Free PLR article summary: The decision to home school your child can be a difficult one to make. Many parents wonder if it is the right thing to do. Many wonder if their children can get the same “grade” of education if...

Studying English Online

Amount of words in this article: 431 Free PLR article summary: Time management is basically about being focused. The Pareto Principle also known as the ’80:20 Rule’ states that 80% of efforts that are not time managed or unfocused generates only 20% of the...

Bargain In The World

Amount of words in this article: 564 Free PLR article summary: More and more college-bound students from the U.S. and around the world are traveling to Germany to study, some for a semester or a year, but others to pursue a two- or four-year degree at one of the...

Students On Path to Success

Amount of words in this article: 330 Free PLR article summary: Parents and teachers at Lexington Elementary School in Monroe, La., feared their school was slipping into mediocrity or worse. Attendance rates and standardized test scores were dipping. Suspensions were...

Stubenfrei ja, aber wie?

Amount of words in this article: 585 Free PLR article summary: Ich habe seit einem Monat einen kleinen Welpen Baby. Mein letzter Hund ist leider diesen Winter im hohen Alter gestorben. Der Abschied fiel mir schwer und die Entscheidung mir einen neuen...

Struggling Readers: The Struggles

Amount of words in this article: 804 Free PLR article summary: Struggling readers have a number of barriers to their success that can be overcome if they are properly understood and addressed. Left unchecked, these barriers can grow into an unmanageable weight for...