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Short and simple tips to consider when using private label articles. How to make them become unique and what to avoid when submitting them to article directories.

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article writing, private label article, website content, submit article

FREE PLR article body:
Article marketing is by far the best free method of promoting your business and increasing opt in subscribers and your sales. Content is king. You can say that again. That is why writing articles is one of the most utilized Internet marketing media today.

But how if you are not comfortable writing your own articles? Many marketers just do not know how to put their thoughts into words. Many of them need more than just little assistance, whether it is because of lack of writing abilities, time restraints or they need a writer with knowledge of a topic they aren’t familiar with.

That is why there are high demand for private label articles these days. Although you cannot claim copyright to the articles and there are a few other restrictions, they are free for you to use as you wish.

Depending on how these articles are used, the results can be good, bad, or downright ugly.

Private label articles can increase your website traffic, sales, and subscribers, as long as you use them correctly. By using them, you can gain a big advantage over other marketers.

Unfortunately, many marketers simply copy and paste the article and submit it to article directories, as is, with no personalization.

There are some reasons why you should alter a private label article.

1. Most directories require you to submit your own unique article. At the very least, you should change the title. Most directory software will search their database automatically for duplicate titles. If the title of your article matches one in their database, yours will be rejected.

2. If you want to use them as content for your own website, remember that search engines don’t really appreciate duplicate contents. Don’t forget, unique content is also important to people who visit your website. They look for fresh information.

Here are several tips you may use to make a private label article becomes unique:

1. Change a word or phrase with another one that has similar meaning
You may consider to use a book with title “Dictionary of Appropriate Adjectives” to find similar adjectives for particular noun. For example, “famous writer” can be changed into “top writer” or “well-known writer”.

2. Add more items on a list
If on a private label article you find a list that shows something like tips, examples, steps or facts, why don’t you add more items on the list?

3. Change the structure of a sentence
This technique is very simple. For instance, if there is a sentence like this:

“Forums are one of the best places to find writing ideas”.

Change the structure of the sentence above so it becomes:

“The best places to find writing ideas are forums”.

4. Change the position of two sentences or paragraphs
Another similar technique is by presenting a list of items in a different order.

5. Combine two different private label articles
The easiest way you can do is by putting the opening or the closing paragraph of a private label article to another one.

You may combine the methods above. Don’t limit yourself. Use synonyms, thesaurus, add a sentence here, subtract one there, add a quote and so on.

Many marketers load so many links in their article that it becomes one long ad. Not only you will get rejected, but eventually banned if you do it often enough.

Finally, consider being a member of more than one PLC site. With $150 a month, you can get quality, no-strings-attached content from 3-4 sites. Even if you can use only 50 articles, you’re getting them for $3 each. That is a great bargain.