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Your real estate marketing services must include information easily gathered by needy homebuyers and sellers, such as the access to your easy-to-navigate Web site.

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Your real estate marketing services must include information easily gathered by needy homebuyers and sellers, such as the access to your easy-to-navigate Web site.

Your Web site must include your own listings as well as the area’s multiple listing service. Part of your real estate marketing services to sellers must include the ability to take a home and turn it into a great photo opportunity elegantly and successfully displayed online. Photos are the key to the success of online listings. You can write an incredibly descriptive and compelling visual picture of a property for sale but it won’t generate any way near as much interest as a great photo of the property. Yes, indeed, a picture is worth a thousand words. Your real estate services must include that realization and action to put that concept into production.

What’s so great about the Internet is that you never run out of space to tell your story and paint your picture. Nor does the price go up depending on the length of your story, as it would if you placed a print ad. Most Internet listing sites, including the sites of the local newspapers, offer opportunities for multiple photos of property, or in many cases a great video or virtual open house, where you can walk through the home for sale, with a 360 degree online tour. Your real estate services should include all professional expertise and assistance in accomplishing this.

People want to know about the local community – the schools, the recreation, the taxes, and the entertainment. If your real estate services acquaint them with their potential new community and it looks promising, your real estate services will probably pay off with a sale.