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Following in the footsteps of both federal and state trends to limit junk food and provide better nutrition to students, San Jose Schools will implement new some changes starting in September 2006. These changes may appear sudden but actually is part of a long term goal for improving student nutrition. San Jose Schools have been working to improve student nutrition over the past few years.

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Changes for the 2006-2007 School Year at San Jose Schools

Following in the footsteps of both federal and state trends to limit junk food and provide better nutrition to students, San Jose Schools will implement new some changes starting in September 2006. These changes may appear sudden but actually is part of a long term goal for improving student nutrition. San Jose Schools have been working to improve student nutrition over the past few years. San Jose Schools have already removed fried chips and carbonated beverages from all kindergarten-eighth grade schools. A lot of the changes occurring in September are a result of new federal laws. The new policy states that for a school to receive federal funds for their school lunch program they must institute a Wellness Policy. The Wellness Policy is a nutrition program that is designed and approved by the school board. In order to better meet these guidelines the San Jose Schools have created the SHAPE committee. The SHAPE committee is made up of school food service personnel, a school board member, district employees, health care professionals, concerned parents, and community members.

The Nutrition Policy

The Nutrition Policy states that all food on a San Jose Schools campus must meet the state nutritional guidelines for fat and sugar and fat content. The biggest effect of this policy for parents is that homemade baked goods will not be allowed on campus. San Jose Schools will make more snakes available at schools that meet these guidelines and provide a list of approved store bought snakes. Fundraisers that involve the sale of food items must be planned with and agreed to by the school. The San Jose Schools will actively encourage fundraisers that are not based around food sale but instead are based around physical activity. All San Jose Schools, including high schools, will ban carbonated soft drinks this school year. Classroom parties with food will be limited to one per month.

Nutrition Guidelines for Foods Available at San Jose Schools

The San Jose School Board is planning to adopt a series of new guidelines covering the nutritional concerns of students. This is done in order to meet to the growing concerns about student health and reducing childhood obesity. The San Jose School Board believes that there was a growing disparity between the foods available at school and the health curriculum. Strict guidelines have been adopted all foods and beverages sold to students, including foods and beverages provided through the San Jose School’s food service program, student stores, vending machines, or fundraisers. The new policy also set guidelines for the San Jose School’s staff in using food items as a reward; the staff will be encouraged to use healthy alternatives or a different non-food choice as a reward for students’ academic performance, accomplishments, or classroom behavior. There is a plan to help parents by providing healthy foods list. The guidelines per food item include: No more than 35% of total calories from fat excluding legumes, nuts, nut butters, seeds, eggs, vegetables that have not been deep fried and cheese packaged for individual sale; No more than 10% of total calories from saturated fat; No more than 35% added sugar by weight; 175 Calories (elementary schools) and 250 Calories (middle and high schools). While an individually sold entrée may have no more than 4 grams of fat per 100 calories, 400 calories total.