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If the market is slow, you can still sell your property if you make your listings and signs professional and appealing. Make sure that your flyer is intriguing and well put together as well.

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If the market is slow, you can still sell your property if you make your listings and signs professional and appealing. Make sure that your flyer is intriguing and well put together as well.

Even when the housing is market is slow, you can still be selling your investment property quickly, if you follow a few basic steps:

1) Make sure your listings look great. It’s amazing how many listings have fuzzy photographs, unattractive pictures, or little or no description. Make sure that your MLS listings are interesting and really outline the benefits and the attractions of the house. Make sure that the pictures are crisp and reveal the best possible colors and angles. Use Photoshop on your pictures to remove any garbage from the front of the home, any fallen leaves, or any gray skies that happened to be there when you are taking your photo.

2. Make good use of directional signs. If you’re having an open house, use directional signs on a main street. If your investment property is a little out of the way, you’ll have to use dozens of signs in order to lead people from the nearest main road all the way to the open house. Consider tying balloons to the sign on the road, or use bright colors or large font to make sure that drivers see your sign.

3. Use professional signs. Every hardware store sells pre-made “for sale” signs that allow you to simply write in a phone number. Avoid using these signs. They look cheap and unprofessional. Instead, have your signs professionally made, and make sure that you get a solid metal framed sign that comes with a flyer holder. This allows you to put a small flyer for the property right in the sign. Even when you’re not there having an open house, people can drop by and take out a flyer to take home with them.

4. Make your flyer outstanding. Make sure that your flyer is full-color and includes high-resolution photos of the interior of the property. If you want your investment property to sell, make sure that the copy is very interesting and outlines all the benefits of the home. Allow your tenants or potential buyers to really imagine themselves living in the property. Don’t be afraid to use adjectives or to invite people to “imagine yourself sitting on the deck of this wonderful Victorian home….” that is the sort of writing and the sort of description that will get people interested. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through when writing your brochure.