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Writers’ world over use various platforms to showcase their work and this can be done for two purposes, either for their own compilation

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blog, bloggers, website traffic

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Writers’ world over use various platforms to showcase their work and this can be done for two purposes, either for their own compilation or to tell the world that they have this talent thereby inviting projects. They can either adopt the age old system of maintaining a personal journal or diary where they write about their daily lives and also poetry or prose, depending on their interest. Another is making use of internet technology and creating a blog to put down their writings. Technology has advanced to a point where all one needs to do is create an account, a username and password and the doors to the wide world are open. Bloggers across the world also have the liberty to share and let their work be read by others. If there are a group of people who are into similar writing they might even get together and write on a single blog where they all have unlimited access. And one can also use the text link exchange option incase there are other blogs he frequents. Those who are interested in advertising their websites can avail a premium membership where they will be expected to pay a nominal amount every month or year.

In order to bring in more readers to the blog, one can either write about current hot topics or have a simple name which will come up while doing a search. There are a number of companies coming up with sites to promote business ventures, news about businesses, any seminars or events happening in the same arena. The traffic on such sites will be people from the industry or those looking for more information on how to enhance their business ventures. These are sites where you become a member, and can share, exchange and get information from. The content is monitored regularly and so are the kinds of people visiting the sites. Since they mean business, they do not encourage random visitors or offensive languages, and adult content. At the end of the day, there must be something that you gain by being part of the site.

A website is a place on the internet where people go to look for some information or learn about something that draws their interest. It may also churn out leads for prospective clients or new projects. Learning to go through the maze of the web is the way to survive.