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In recent years, scientists have begun to challenge the popular K-T extinction event theory advanced by Nobel laureate physicist, Luis Alvarez. In 1990, he found evidence of a large impact resulting in an Extinction Level Event (E.L.E) in what is now Chicxulub, Mexico. His theory that this E.L.E. wiped out the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago was soon adopted. However, an increasing number of modern scientists are now casting doubts on his theory. Furthermore, a newly rele…

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extinction level event, e.l.e, dinosaurs, luis alvarez, chicxulub, asteroid, impact, catastrophe

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In recent years, scientists have begun to challenge the popular K-T extinction event theory advanced by Nobel laureate physicist, Luis Alvarez. In 1990, he found evidence of a large impact resulting in an Extinction Level Event (E.L.E) in what is now Chicxulub, Mexico. His theory that this E.L.E. wiped out the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago was soon adopted. However, an increasing number of modern scientists are now casting doubts on his theory. Furthermore, a newly released 3600-year old wisdom text called The Kolbrin Bible supports these challenges to Alvarez’s theory with a prescient human account.

At the core of this E.L.E. debate is a thin global layer of iridium that capped the living presence of dinosaurs on this planet. It is called the KT boundary. Iridium is rarely found on the surface of the Earth, but it is common to asteroids, and there is a sharply defined global layer of Iridium that dates back to the Chicxulub impact event.

Doubts about Alvarez’s theory are founded in equally credible explanations of the KT boundary. One notable theory is the “KT-Deccan Traps volcanism-induced carbon cycle perturbation extinction theory” of Dewey McLean, Professor Emeritus of Geology in the Department of Geological Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA. Besides the science, what makes McLean’s theory attractive is the amount of effort Alvarez has invested to suppress it.

While precise dating of deep time events is difficult at best, ample evidence exists to suggest that at about the same time Alvarez’s asteroid cratered the Yucatan peninsula, a hotspot volcano produced the Deccan Traps eruption with equally devastating results. Unlike an explosive supervolcano event such as the last Yellowstone eruption, the miles-thick Deccan Traps eruption flowed out over thousands of square miles, and released massive amounts of iridium into the atmosphere. Sizable remnants of this lava pile still exist on a volcanically active Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean.

Enter The Kolbrin Bible. The first part of this 11-book secular anthology was authored by Egyptian academics after the Jewish Exodus and is referred to as the Egyptian Texts. The last part was authored by Celtic priests shortly after the death of Jesus. Within the Book of Gleanings is one passage that clearly supports the K-T Deccan Traps of Dewey McLean:

“GLN:3:5 In olden times, there were spawned great monsters and beasts in fearful form, with frightful gnashing teeth and long ripping claws; an elephant was but a rat in comparison with them. Then, because of heavenly rebellion and turmoil, and the terror overwhelming the hearts of men, The Great One hardened the face of the land, which had become unstable, and the beasts were changed to stone. This was beforetimes, when the Destroyer still slumbered in the upper vaults of Heaven.”

The reference to an object the Egyptians called the “Destroyer” is repeated often. The Kolbrin Bible and the Egyptian academics explain that it was a long-period orbiting object, which during its last two flyby events caused the Great Deluge (Noah’s Flood) and the Ten Plagues of Exodus. Unlike the Torah (Old Testament) this ancient work explains these events as natural disasters — not the punishments of an angry deity.

This account in The Kolbrin Bible is part of what remains of the Great Book as the Egyptians first called it. First penned in ancient hieratic, the Great Book was approximately 4 times the size of the King James Bible. The impetus for the work was the defeat the Egyptians suffered at the hands of Moses. Convinced their own gods had been proven to be impotent, they initiated the first regional anthropological study in the history of humankind.

Throughout the breadth of their trading sphere, their academics and scribes would do their business as usual, but in their off hours began interviewing local wise men. The aim was to record historical accounts and folklore in the hopes of uncovering any clue that might lead the Egyptians to the one true God of Abraham. The field notes of these interviews were then sent back to Egypt and incorporated into the Great Book.

One civilization that received special attention from the Egyptians was the seafaring Phoenicians. Enamored by the Great Book, the Phoenicians translated it to their own 22-leter alphabet and took a copy of the work to Britain during the late Bronze Age, which at that time was a major exporter of tin. The Celtic priests of Britain embraced the work, which was mostly destroyed during the 1184 arson of the Glastonbury Abbey. What remained was combined with other Celtic texts and translated into Old English and collectively published as The Kolbrin Bible. After WWI, the work was updated to Continental English and the first copies were released in the early 1990’s.

For interested researchers, this 3600-year old work offers vital corroboration of Dewey McLean’s KT-Deccan Traps eruption theory, plus an abundant source of prescient historical accounts of ancient global disasters. The details in these accounts are as crisp as the man-on-the-street interviews one sees in modern televised news broadcasts. Copies of the work are available online and can be purchased in book stores in the English speaking world.

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