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If you are struggling to find your perfect LDS match then maybe you need to re-visit how you are going about meeting someone. Don’t limit your options for meeting new LDS singles by getting out of your dating rut with these suggestions. Finding a mate does not have to be that difficult.

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The primary complaint from LDS singles is that they just can not find anyone they are interested in or who is interested in them. It seems as soon as you find someone you think is good, it falls apart. How do you find a decent mate that really clicks with you? This is a question that equally puzzles the mainstream dating world. However, there are ways you can increase the number of prospects you have that are more likely to be what you are looking for.

First, you need to look at how you are meeting people. Do you make an effort to introduce yourself and talk to people? Do you socialize and actually come in contact with people you could potentially date? Many people sit at home all of the time and complain they can not find anyone. Well, unless they are delivering something to your front door, you are unlikely to meet anyone that way. However, if you get out and make a point to meet people, you increase the odds of meeting the right person. It is simply playing the odds – the more people you meet, the better your chances.

Some people are just not very social, so going out to cafes or social events is not really their cup of tea. Lucky for you, there is an alternative. Online LDS dating services actually provide a great way to “meet” people without having to leave the house – at least for a little while. This may be a good option because the people you meet are often pre-screened, so you have an idea if they are what you are looking for. Some LDS dating sites go as far as to only allow you to communicate by internet for a specified period of time before talking on the phone or meeting in person. This may work if you are really looking for a long-term relationship.

If you are meeting people at social functions that just are not what you are looking for, try looking at other sources. Often, people in bars have one thing on their minds; if that “one thing” is not what you are looking for, try going somewhere else. Join a social organization, or simply walk through a museum or bookstore. Open your possibilities and you will widen the people you have to choose from. Do not limit yourself.

This brings up a possible issue that is a common problem in the dating scene. Although this is not specific to the LDS dating scene, it is an issue that should be addressed. There is a stereotype that all LDS singles are only looking for a long term relationship. This of course is not the case, but LDS singles that are happy to date are often disappointed that they can not find other LDS singles that want the same. While this may be worse in some wards, the truth is it happens everywhere. If you are looking for a casual relationship or friendship, beware of others that are not.

On the other hand if you are only interested in a long term relationship, don’t waste your time on others who are not ready to settle down yet. Being lonely may make you consider lowering your standards, but if you are really looking for love, this will only delay finding the right person.