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Your working experience is important in your career path but a degree in your expertise field will secure you for your future. Don’t lose your job promotion apportunities just because of lacking a degree.

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online college degree, accredited online bachelor degree, online degree, earn a degree online

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You have been working in a company for quite some times at the middle level of position. One day, your colleague who is at manager position submits his resignation for career advancement in other company. You think this is your good chance to be promoted to his position as you are the most experience employee in the company although you do have the required management degree for it; but the boss should and will consider your working experience as the promotion factor.

You are waiting for the day of announcement of your promotion with full of excitement; but, one day, your boss bring in a new face and introduce to the company that he is the new hire for the position replacement left by the previous manager. You welcome him with a smiling face but inside your heart, you are unhappy with it.

Don't let this happen to you. Your working experience no doubt is very important and is the key factor for your career advancement. But you need to know that not only you have such a good experience in your field of expertise, many others do have too and they have documents such as degree certificates to prove it. Thus, a degree in hand should be better for you to secure your future as compare solely on your working experience.

It's time for you to upgrade yourself; but you may have a concern to on-hold your current career in order for you to go back to school for the degree. Then, do it with online degree programs. The online degree programs are designed for busy people in mind and you can complete you degree courses at your own schedule from anywhere you are. There are many prestigious colleges and universities offer complete online degree programs taught by the same faculty who teach in their classrooms. Subject areas range from business to nursing, degrees from Bachelor to MBAs and Ph.Ds.

Today, you can easily upgrade yourself through online degree program. If you are holding an associate degree, it's time for you to think about upgrade it to bachelor degree. If you are currently at executive level and have a bachelor degree in business administration, you may prepare yourself for manager position by earning a MBA.

In short, your working experience is important in your career path but a degree in your expertise field will secure you for your future.