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iSupport South Africa needs you,, see our list of charities that need your donations please.

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Charity, donations, south africa

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Welcome to , the community of charity organisations and those that support them. This is where you have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.
What are iSupporters?
An iSupporter is anyone with a passion for taking care of and helping others. This can be in the form of donating funds to various charity organizations or perhaps running a fund raising campaign. If you want to get involved, then this is the perfect place.
What Does our Website Offer?
We have a community of charity organizations that need your care and dedication. Whether you want to plan a fundraiser or donate fund directly, we are here to help. Providing you with a database of worthwhile charities, you can be assured that you are helping others. If you want to get involved and raise fund for your special charity, you now have the platform with which to do it. iSupport provides the advertising means and allows anyone with determination and love to plan and run their own campaign to fund raise for the charity of their choice. You simply sign up for free and start organizing. So, start helping others and join now! It’s free, easy and most of all raises much needed funds.
Go to to become an iSupporter today!
The definition of the word charity is the relief or provision of help to the needy or less fortunate. When you run a charity to provide this help, you are doing it out of love and compassion. You rely on volunteers, support and donations to make a difference in the lives of those that are needy, and at times it can seem discouraging. Now you don’t have to worry any longer – you will find that support here!
We have dozens of charities that need your donations please visit and donate to South Africa today.
“Every charitable act is a stepping stone towards heaven” – Henry Ward Beecher
iSupport is an online charity website that needs your help!