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When one gives a quick look at the articles written on blogging, the common theme seems to be making money from blogging. The authors invariably talk about adsense and how we can make money from blogs.

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When one gives a quick look at the articles written on blogging, the common theme seems to be making money from blogging. The authors invariably talk about adsense and how we can make money from blogs. Is blogging only for making money? Did blogs begin with that idea? Are we losing the direction somewhere?

A blog gives an opportunity to everyone to express himself/herself on the Internet. We feel that we are sharing our deepest thoughts with other members of the world. Blogging is bringing the world nearer to each other like never before. In certain cases, a blog is a great therapy for venting out anger, frustration and other negative feelings, which can otherwise damage the psyche. Blogging was never started with the object of making money on the Internet.

Imagine the scenario when the majority of blogs will somehow try to collect content from different sources and hope that their ad gets clicked. Is that not wasting of quality time? Will such blogs contribute to the Internet at all? Who will visit such blogs? Everyone is busy building a blog that makes money, so why should he/she visit other blogs?

A blog can contribute to very lively discussion. A blog can be a great platform to meet people and talk. A blog is a great way to help budding talents show case their work to the world. Let us not make blogs only as a money making tool.