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ACT! Premium And Real Estate

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ACT! Premium and Real Estate manages prospects and customers for real estate professionals in a swift, efficient and productive manner. It makes no difference whether the user is a single broker or a large team or teams of brokers. ACT! Premium Real Estate is able to service all their needs.

ACT! is an award winning solutions provider in the customer relationship management industry with over 2.5 million individual users and 32,000 companies for customers. In furthering it…

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ACT! Premium and Real Estate manages prospects and customers for real estate professionals in a swift, efficient and productive manner. It makes no difference whether the user is a single broker or a large team or teams of brokers. ACT! Premium Real Estate is able to service all their needs.

ACT! is an award winning solutions provider in the customer relationship management industry with over 2.5 million individual users and 32,000 companies for customers. In furthering it’s service to the real estate industry, ACT! Premium Real Estate was created to help brokers organize their contact and customer management data for residential real estate markets.

With ACT! Premium Real Estate, a company possesses a central database containing customer and prospects information. The information can contain anything from directory information to customer transaction histories. Being able to access this kind of information with just a few mouse clicks can be a big help to brokers by giving them a heads-up in dealing with clients.

ACT! Premium Real Estate has a schedule manager where brokers can insert up to 20 different schedule types. ACT! Premium Real Estate makes it possible to access the schedule for the next customer and bring up customer information in an instant.

The ACT! Premium Real Estate database can be used to import customer data from other ACT! databases. These imported customers may be immediately converted into prospects to increase a customer base.

For reporting, ACT! Premium Real Estate has nine report templates that a broker can utilize for performance analysis and sales forecasts. These nine report templates are fully customizable. Another 40 standard report templates are provided for in the software that a user can choose from and use.

Just like other versions of ACT! CRM software, ACT! Premium Real Estate is fully compatible with Palm OS or Pocket PC devices. Access the ACT! Premium Real Estate database from any remote location for as long as an internet connection is available.

A word of warning to current ACT! users, ACT! Premium Real Estate cannot be used with ACT! 2006, ACT! Premium for Workgroups 2006 and any past versions of ACT! software. ACT! 2006 software versions or higher may have their data converted for use with ACT! Premium Real Estate, but not vice versa.