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Deathmatch: American vs. Romanian Woman

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Why is it that a lot of American guys are
traveling to meet brides in Europe?
Are Romanian women good choices for American guys?

Post tags:
dating, online dating, seduction, relationships, flirt, love, marriage,foreign brides

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Why is it that a lot of American guys are
traveling to meet brides in Europe?

Are Romanian women good choices for American guys?

These are some questions frequently asked on
forums. Just take a look at the answers; it
depends on who is giving it. There are some quite
rude ones give by frustrated American women. I
really understand them, it is not easy to accept
the thing that you are there, next to so many men,
you are available, single and they choose to fly
miles away to meet another woman to be their life

What is wrong with these guys?

I asked myself the same question, and I start to
ask the question to some of my American friends.

One of them, which two years ago divorced from
his American ex wife confessed that he has a
great career, hobbies, friends but his ex wife
keep asking him for more and more. He never did
enough, he never earned enough and the
relationship between them got colder from the
first year of marriage.

But one year ago, he had the chance to meet
online a great Romanian woman and his life has
changed, he lives a peaceful, happy life. Also he
has changed as a person, he is more confident, he
feels loved and appreciated.

“Honestly I wish I could have found an American
wife with all the qualities of my Romanian wife.
I could not, because they do not exist. Here is a
partial list of her loveliness: sensible and good
with money, genuine commitment, very family
oriented, she enjoys housework, hard working, and
she does not have to diet to look great.

Romanian women are comfortable in their
femininity. As a male I am attracted to this. And
I love her with all my heart” are his exact words.

So the engine behind the huge number of US guys
searching LOVE and APRECIATION at European women
appears to be the feeling American women have
that they deserve better. They deserve more, they
cannot accept mediocrity, they have to get what
they want, they cannot lose, they, they. That is
egoism in its purest form.

To have a family and provide security, it is
essential for both partners to be committed and
hard-working. Most American males have a very
strong work-ethic; many are workaholics for the
benefit of their families, which Romanian women
find very appealing.

Other thing Romanian women found attractive about
the Americans is they know how to show respect
for women – they show fine behavior and don’t
expect women to be less smart and prepared to be
a slave for them.

So, are Romanian women and American men a perfect
match? A lot of Romanian women dating their
American counterparts seem to think so. The
divorce rate for American and Romanian marriages
is only 4%! Go figure!

A lot of people have great success with online

For the first time, Americans can easily get in
touch with Romanian women without struggling to
find one another. If you are interested in
meeting a Romanian woman you can do that without
searching high and low for them! Simply find a
website that is right for you, write a profile
about what you want, and start dating the women
that you’d like to be dating!

You deserve to find the people you are interested
in and which can make you feel special, and they
deserve to find you, too!