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Press release is a powerful marketing strategy to promote new products or service. In this article, it shown you how to write a press release and publish it online.

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Press Release, promote product and services. marketing strategy, how to write press release

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Copyright 2006 Jason Chew

Press release is a great way to get maximal exposure for your product or website. When writing press release, make sure the information is newsworthy. You must be able to tell your audience that the information is intended for them and why they should continue to read it. In writing your press release avoid excessive use of adjectives and fancy language and alway stick with the facts. It is best to provide as much contact information as possible such as contact number, email and web site address.

When Press release process basically involved 2 steps, i.e writing your press release and publishing your press release.

First, let’s us discuss the how we going to write our press release. To write a press release on your website or products that you going to promote, you should have the following:

1. Headlines

When doing a press release, use a good headline. The headline must be an attention grabber. Just like a news headline if your headline can’t attract reader no matter how good your content is, nobody will read it. To have the best headline, try to relate it to events, news or occasions that occur recently. Recently, I did a press release to promote one of my investing website for a gold investing book. I used the recent gold rally as the headline to bring up my product. The headline must be’jam-packed’ with Post tags from your niche.

2. Opening Paragraph

Opening paragraph must be able to keep the interest of reader. As with the headlines, try to use references to the major events as opening paragraphs and try to bring in the product through the events.

3. Quotes or Dialoges

It is always good to include quotes or testimonials from someone who has use your product or your website’s services. This will give credibility to the product or website you are promoting.

4. Body of Press Release

The body of the paragraph should be simple and give an short decision of your product which should be packed with Post tags.

5. Conclusion

You should conclude by giving the readers reconfirmations of the benefits of the product and website’s services. Lastly, you should include contact information for readers to contact you or get more information of the product.

Next, to get your press release published, you can submit your press release to a press release site. There’s a press release site that submit your press release for free. Using PR Web to distribute a press release through PR Web Direct is a simple process and is much like posting article to article directory.