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The Deepest Secrets behind sky-rocketing your profits finally revealed. If you want to know how they make it, you’ll definitely need to know what they’re doing.

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If you have even a passing interest in the topic of boosting your profits, then you should take a look at the following information. This enlightening article presents some of the latest news on the subject of boost your profits.

Don’t think it’s possible to jump sales by 267% with one sentence? I’ll show you how I did it and you can implement the same strategy in less than 5 minutes on your site!

This strategy is so powerful that it can literally jump your profits OVERNIGHT!

All people doing business on the Internet are always trying to find ways to get their offer the the most targeted prospects available. Always trying to figure out, “What do I offer my proven customer next?”

Here’s what I did to BLAZE profits 267% overnight:

When my customers would click order they would be taken directly to a secure order form to enter their payment information. I came with the following strategy when brainstorming one late night….

Instead of sending them directly to the payment page I setup a page that offered a discount of 10% of their order if they would answer one simple question:

Once you begin to move beyond basic background information, you begin to realize that there’s more to boost your profits than you may have first thought.

What would you be most likely to purchase in the next three months?

I then had a drop down menu with three products I was selling at the time.

All the customer had to do was enter their e-mail address and then choose an answer and they would instantly be taken to the order form with the 10% discount.

Why did I give them 10% off for that one simple question?

When they submitted that question it was automatically entered into a data base with all the other customers that took me up on the offer. Two months after implementing this one simple question I pulled up my database, filtered it to the products customers expressed interest in and send a special customer offer to each of them.

What happened? Out of 120 customers, 96 bought! can you belive that? An incredible 80% response rate on a sales letter is unheard of…but these customers where so targeted because of the simple question I setup that the response rate was unreal!

Jump on this strategy now, you just can’t afford to pass up that kind of profit!