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If there was ever an ideal spot to stage a home then the California Coast is it! Staging a home in beautiful weather that lasts for the entire year makes the job that much easier. Having to deal with foul weather when staging your home for sale can cause a number of issues, especially if there is snow involved.

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california real estate, santa cruz homes, staging your home, home staging

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If there was ever an ideal spot to stage a home then the California Coast is it! Staging a home in beautiful weather that lasts for the entire year makes the job that much easier. Having to deal with foul weather when staging your home for sale can cause a number of issues, especially if there is snow involved. In central California, this is really not a problem. Santa Cruz provides not only the ideal climate and atmosphere for home staging but the oceanside setting is one that cannot be beat.

Staging the home is the art of presentation of a home. In staging your home you should keep a few things in mind. First; the home must be clear of all mess and clutter. Nothing can hold a home back on the real estate market quite like a mess, nothing that is, that is worth mentioning. This is a great time to start early on your packing, get rid of all the stuff that you don’t use regularly. Make sure that counter tops are clear and clean and try to remove any overly personal items such as pictures and those drawings that are always stuck to the fridge. The idea is to enable the viewer to picture themselves in the home and reminders of its current occupants take away from this ability.

Staging a home is all about creating an atmosphere that viewers feel comfortable in, one that will cause them to stay in the home longer and explore all that it has to offer. Think about what would cause you to linger in a home, maybe ask your friends, definitely ask your realtor. Try to focus on the little things like pleasant smells, trimming back large plants, lit fireplaces and snacks for the guests. You would be amazed at the effect that these small things can have on a home’s selling potential.