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There are some old sayings that can be traced back to the Bible and the Golden Rule: It is far better to give something or yourself to others than to get something from them. And also, we must always do unto others just as we would like them to do unto us.

That’s not the rules we usually live by today. Today we live in a cutthroat world where we strive for personal achievement by acting on our own ambitions. We worship financial success and put ourselves first most of the …

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There are some old sayings that can be traced back to the Bible and the Golden Rule: It is far better to give something or yourself to others than to get something from them. And also, we must always do unto others just as we would like them to do unto us.

That’s not the rules we usually live by today. Today we live in a cutthroat world where we strive for personal achievement by acting on our own ambitions. We worship financial success and put ourselves first most of the time. We always push for that instant gratification and the honor of self.

Throughout the ages humanity has mostly put the protective care of self first. It’s one of humankind’s basic instincts.

And of course this mentality is critical when we are encouraged to never quit, finish what we start, keep pushing through hardships, and persevere no matter what.

But what folks need to remember is very plain: You receive great fulfillment when you give of yourself. Not only that, you also do good for someone else. Showing others that they matter makes all happy — including yourself.

Ever wonder what the reason for this is? It is because doing for others is one of our secondary instincts.

There are many troubles in the world and it is easy to focus on the negative. However you can choose how to respond to the negative events in the world. If you choose to respond in a positive manner then you might be surprised by the positive effects on your mental and physical health.

Have you ever visited a senior citizen in a retirement home? It made you feel pretty good didn’t it? Think about the happy feelings you had while visiting with this person. And you recall how nothing else was as important as making this person happy.

Remember seeing the blind man on the street who played his guitar for you when you gave him a dollar? It makes you think about all you have and how well the blind man played. Have you ever done something for someone else that made you tearful and gave you a strange peace inside?

We are wise to invest a lot of time helping others. This really is our whole purpose in life — to put others before ourselves. All of us hve it in our grasp to make a better day for someone else. The act of kindness could be something as simple as just talking to someone else. It is as simple as just sharing our time and getting to know the person we are helping. We were never meant to live alone in the world.

There are great benefits to be realized by the community, the person you are helping, and yourself when you give.

And lastly, remember that everyone has different tastes, likes, and dislikes. Some like football while others like baseball. Some like fast food while others like to dine in only the finest restaurants. Some like to work behind the scenes while others like the prominent positions. Some are workaholics while others are slothful. The point here is don’t spend a lot of money on resources trying to pleasure someone with something they do not want. Spend it by giving of yourself. It’s more valuable than material things.