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Free PLR article summary:
So you’ve got a product or service, but no money to market it with? Well, a lack of capital will make marketing a lot harder be it can certainly be done.

If you are trying to market your website for free, don’t try every hyped up free advertising method that you see. Most of them don’t work. The best free methods are the simple ones that just require some work. πŸ™‚

1 – Search Engine Optimization
You can optimize your site and start gaining good rankings on the search e…

Post tags:
free advertising,marketing,search engine optimization,article marketing,link exchanges

FREE PLR article body:
So you’ve got a product or service, but no money to market it with? Well, a lack of capital will make marketing a lot harder be it can certainly be done.

If you are trying to market your website for free, don’t try every hyped up free advertising method that you see. Most of them don’t work. The best free methods are the simple ones that just require some work. πŸ™‚

1 – Search Engine Optimization
You can optimize your site and start gaining good rankings on the search engines without spending a penny. There are two basic parts of search engine optimization – optimizing the webpages on your site and building links from other sites to your site. Both of these can be done for free. There are plenty of good resources on the internet that will teach you how to optimize your site and gain good rankings – just use google to find one and get started!

2- Link Exchanges
There are many websites out there who would be happy to exchange links with you. While doing link exchanges may get you some traffic, it’s main purpose is for search engine optimization

3- Article Marketing
Write articles related to your website’s industry and submit them to article distribution sites, like Other webmasters will publish your article, with a link to your site at the bottom. This is an excellent way to get some traffic and also build links for SEO purposes.

Some products or services you can sell via classifieds. Just search the internet for free classifieds. One of the most important things to remember with free classifieds is to test and see if they are working.

These are some of the tried and true free advertising methods. There are others. There is plenty of traffic on the net – go get some for your website today!