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Many of us are shy. Because of our shy nature we miss many great opportunities to meet someone we desperately want to. The problem is that we don’t realize that we are shy. This article will tell you the truth about your nature. Take this quiz and win your love.

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I heard a boy saying that he was shy and good-looking. He was saying the bad looking boys who are not shy attract girls. That made me think not about looks, but about shyness. It is not that only men are shy. Women may be shyer. Quiz yourself if you are looking in the wrong direction to find out why you are not getting a good date?

You may be thinking about various reasons and trying to get more tips from friends about how to get a good date. Is your shyness not the cause? Please quiz yourself now. Are you comfortable approaching any person of opposite sex? Can you confidently walk towards a man /woman and introduce yourself? Can you give physical signals indicating your interest? Or you don’t raise your eyes if you like someone?

What if somebody approaches you? Will you go in easy conversation or keep quiet thinking what to say- tongue-tied? Do you feel confident about yourself? How do you rate your personality? If you are shy with persons of opposite sex, did you try to find out the reason? Have you discussed with friends? Are your friends also shy or confident and easy going? Did you ask for any tip about how to stop being shy?

Many of us are shy and that makes us miss lot of opportunities to meet persons of opposite sex and develop friendship. Any person who is shy will have difficulty getting a date. You have to break the shyness and talk. Nothing will happen except the best. The worst that can happen is a no. But that happens with all of us. Why not stop being shy and win hearts?