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Web-based electronic catalogs (E-Catalogs) focus on imparting an entirely unique shopping experience for consumers.

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Web-based, electronic catalogs (E-Catalogs) focus on imparting an entirely unique shopping experience for consumers.

The E-Catalog is a cutting-edge catalog simulation. The shopping experience is online, but creates the look and feel of shopping out of a print catalog. Consumers can “flip” through virtual catalog pages with the click of a mouse, browsing just like they would through a printed book. The E-Catalog offers consumers many features to enhance their shopping experience: potential customers can zoom in on products for a closer look, make notes directly on the page using a sticky note feature, or print out individual pages for later use. If consumers like what they see, they can click on an image or on a product description and add the item to their virtual shopping cart for purchase.

In many ways the E-Catalog is a superior shopping tool for the consumer. Almost anyone can access an E-Catalog at any time via the Internet. The E-Catalog can never be lost or misplaced, nor do consumers need to worry about not having the latest edition. In addition, it introduces an eco-friendly alternative to traditional catalog printing by allowing consumers to print only the pages they need, consequently cutting down on paper waste. E-Catalogs can also provide businesses with an opportunity to save money on shipping; orders can be combined with other businesses to receive a quantity discount and reduce shipping charges. The E-Catalog allows business associates a chance to shop for products at the same time while being located miles apart.

Many consumers today have had the chance to experience the added value in the E-Catalog. It expands their shopping possibilities, keeps them connected with updated product information, and increases their accessibility. It’s the next level in online shopping.