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Registering a domain is an easy task, but most of the people are not aware of the process of registration. If you have chosen a domain name, then check it on the ‘whois’ to know, if anyone else has not registered it, and if it is available to you, then register the domain as soon as possible. Make sure that your domain name is a memorable one. Mostly the best domain names had been taken already by the sites.

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domain names, cheap domain names, best domain names

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Registering a domain is an easy task, but most of the people are not aware of the process of registration. If you have chosen a domain name, then check it on the ‘whois’ to know, if anyone else has not registered it, and if it is available to you, then register the domain as soon as possible. Make sure that your domain name is a memorable one. Mostly the best domain names had been taken already by the sites.

Avoid the trademarked names, it is unethical and also the companies, who have spent plenty of time and money on creating and building their brands, are now trying to get their names back. The pending legislation would soon make it very hard to register the trademarked name of someone else.

A memorable domain name is the best one, because it sticks in the mind. A perfect business name is a nice choice. If you choose a phrase or sequence of the words that describes your product, is also a good one, for example,

The domain names that arouse a visual image can also be used as these are easy to remember, like Short names are much better than the longer names, but if adding the length makes is more memorable, then you can choose the longer one. You should make sure that your domain name is easy to pronounce, and soon you will hear people talking about your domain name many times a day, in conversation, on the phone, or in other radio ads. It is better to avoid the name that only works in print, and also needs to be spelled out when spoken aloud to be understood.

You should be wary of selecting a domain name that contains the homophones, for example –, and, all sound exactly alike, but these are three different websites. Do not use the shady characters, spaces are never allowed, and also the name can’t start or end with a dash. The length can up to 63 characters. You should make sure that you are dealing with a trustworthy and reliable domain registration service provider.