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Occasionally, a bad date happens to one person at a certain point in his or her life. One should do some assessment before writing off the person for life. No sparks at all? Too nervous to open any topic? Is he or she being rude? Here are some things that you can do.

How to deal with a bad date? Or when you are the one who’s about to make it bad…

1. If you are feeling too nervous opt for a date over coffee. You will have less time fidgeting due too overnervousness si…

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dating, romance, relationships

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Occasionally, a bad date happens to one person at a certain point in his or her life. One should do some assessment before writing off the person for life. No sparks at all? Too nervous to open any topic? Is he or she being rude? Here are some things that you can do.

How to deal with a bad date? Or when you are the one who’s about to make it bad…

1. If you are feeling too nervous opt for a date over coffee. You will have less time fidgeting due too overnervousness since after finishing your coffee you can easily bid your date a quick “ta-ta”.

2. There is no excuse for a date that is obnoxious and rude. Walk away Renee.

3. You and your date are not on the same wavelength? Endure the date, maintain your composure and leave politely. If your date asks for an extension, say an after meal drink, you can always politely (again) say no.

4. If you unintentionally insult your date, simply apologize then move on. If your insult is not that severe, your date might just forgive and forget.

5. Never provide entertainment at your expense. Humor is cool, self-bashing is not. It is not worth it to make your self feel uncomfortable trying to impress your date.

How to move on?

1. Don’t punish yourself for a date that went horrible. Save it somewhere in your mind that is remote. Or better yet, commend yourself for being able to go through it. Learn from your mistakes.

2. Share the details with a friend. This way you can treat it more of a laughingstock than something that will haunt you for life.

3. Get occupied with other activities so you can forgive yourself and forget about the bad date. Exercising, eating something sweet or watching a movie will make the bad vibes go away sooner than you expect.

4. Honesty and kindness are a good combination when it comes to turning down a bad date that would like a second round. Say something a bit blunt but peppered with some praise — is that an oxymoron?

5. Now, if you think that the person still deserves a second chance, by all means, give him or her the second try. You can always laugh the bad date incident away when you are more comfortable with each other.