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In our days, dating frauds are becoming more common. That’s why it is better to know from the beginning how to protect yourself from fraud when using Internet personals and dating agencies. Many people try online dating in order to find a partner, but many of them don’t know that online dating has also risks, such as dating scams.

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In our days, dating frauds are becoming more common. That’s why it is better to know from the beginning how to protect yourself from fraud when using Internet personals and dating agencies. Many people try online dating in order to find a partner, but many of them don’t know that online dating has also risks, such as dating scams.

It is considering scam, for example, when a lonely foreign man gets acquired over the Internet with an attractive woman, which will try to get as much money out of the unsuspecting foreigner as possible. Online dating scammers are heartless; they are happy to exploit people’s emotions for their own gain. If you get too deeply involved, a dating scam can heart not only your hurt, but your finances too. So, don’t be too sincere with the one you are chatting, remember that Internet personals, dating sites allow anyone to join free so you never know who is behind that pretty photo.

The online scams come in many forms and shapes, but the nastiest form is romance scams, when those persons approach you on a dating service. They play with their victim’s feelings, send them lovely messages, call them on the phone, and after they built some degree of trust, here come the nasty scam part. They may have many faces: not only they frequently changes names, but they may list themselves by being of different gender, race, age, location.

The major weapon of the romance scammers is photos. If the photos are more attractive, the chances that this could be a scam are bigger. They may get the photos from a modeling site and also photos of innocent people and start using them.

How do they act? First, they approach the victim, by using some attractive photos that are usually uploaded from the Internet. Second, they are ”grooming” the victim; they establish some lovely correspondence with you, talking about unconditional trust and her honesty. Also, the letters become long, flowery and romantic, and even call the guy ” my love’’, ” my prince” and so on. She pretends to fall in love with you and talk about her dreams of your first meeting. The next step is to asking for money; after they will come to present you a sad situation, in which they are passing now, will be asking for your help. Such as: they would really like to meet you but do not have enough money or those they have been robbed and beaten and require urgent surgery or treatment for a serious illness. Even if you get in the trap, they will not stop here, and trying to milking the victim for money as much as possible, using different lies as reasons. And finally, take place the disappearing act; start getting out
little by little, sending only few messages and then disappearing at all.

So, to not pass in such a nasty situation here are some things that you should pay attention:

-when you view a profile look out for things like a sleazy user name; a normal and sincere woman will not use a sleazy user name

– read what the profiles says, because people milking for others money will say something vague that can fit anyone

-look at the photos, if the photos are too attractive, gorgeous and professional in combination with a vague profile it means that there are troubles, that this is a scam; beautiful people are very selective so they include many requirements in their profiles.

How to protect yourself:

– use your common sense and think first that the offer may be a scam

-never send money or give credit card details

-do not open suspicious or unsolicited emails, you’ve better delete them

-never reply to a Spam email

-do not agree to transfer money for someone else because money laundering is a criminal offense

The bad part is that guys are more vulnerable to fail for dating scams. There were many times when men send money to their non existing female admires. So, as an advice, never hand over money or personal details such as home address or bank account to someone who you never actually met.

Also never forget that online dating has many advantages and these dating scams shouldn’t stop you to try online dating anymore, especially now that you know how to handle the situation.