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Article marketing is still a great way of getting recognition on the Internet. Indeed my own name is found several times in Google and a great deal of this was due to submitting articles to article directories. I have yet to optimize this method of marketing but will do more so this year.

Here are ten great reasons you should write and submit articles to article directories:

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articles,article marketing,article submission

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Article marketing is still a great way of getting recognition on the Internet. Indeed my own name is found several times in Google and a great deal of this was due to submitting articles to article directories. I have yet to optimize this method of marketing but will do more so this year.

Here are ten great reasons you should write and submit articles to article directories:

1. Publicity – People will know that you write and may even seek out your expertise on the subject that you write about. This is of course tied into credibility.
2. Credibility – You will be seen as an expert in your field if your articles are mainly about a certain field, make sense, and contain timely and relevant information. As an article writer you may get special treatment by these new article directory owners and get them to create a category just for your expertise.
3. Branding – You will brand yourself and your website so that people looking for information on a certain topic can easily find it on a publicized article directory. If you have several articles you can quickly become a top author at the new article sites.
4. Ezine Exposure – Ezine publishers may be looking for an article in a certain niche and go to these article directories in order to find an article in that niche. If you’ve given permission for the article to be published then it may be publicized before you’re even aware of it being published.
5. Blog Exposure – One of the biggest crazes these days is blogging. Many people are using blogs to express interest in a certain niche. One of my own niche interests is alternative health and I have four blogs each concerned with a different “sub-niche” in this area. Bloggers can either print your article in full in their blog or link to the article in the article-directory.
6. RSS – Many article directories today offer RSS feeds for each of their categories. Someone with a website may need niche content for the particular area that their website is about and run that feed on their website. New article database owners are going to be promoting heavily to get their sites growing so they are going to be taking advantage of this technology.
7. Mainstream Publishing – Editors of mainstream print publications such as magazines and tabloids within a certain field of interest may be impressed by your article and offer you payment to write articles just for their publication.
8. Archiving – Your article is always in the directory and available by category or author search. This makes it easy for publishers and others to find articles that you have written.
9. Website Exposure – When someone chooses to read your article or to print it on their website your URL is published for anyone reading the article to see, and of course, the most important reason which is marketing strategy.
10. Search Engine Marketing Strategy – This is the all-encompassing reason why you should submit articles that you write to article directories. If you do not or for some reason cannot write and submit articles you are a missing out on one great method of building your business. Submitting to article directories can get you and your website mentioned in the search engines. Google and other search engines are always looking for fresh, new content. If you are an affiliate with a certain company this is a great way to build your business.